Page 11 - Willy Blaser - Holiday in Switzerland
P. 11
On the shore of Lake Lucerne – Mount Pilatus (2128 m) overlooking Luzern
Panorama from Mount Pilatus
Der Rütlischwur – The oath at Rütli meadow
Wie alle Schweizer aus dem Geschichtsunterricht in der Schule wissen, schlossen die Wald-
stätter Werner Stauffacher, Walter Fürst und Arnold von Melchtal auf einer kleinen Wiese ob-
erhalb des Vierwaldstättersee einen Bund, um sich gegen die bösen Vögte der Habsburger ge-
genseitig zu helfen
Rütli is synonym for all Swiss people with the founding history of Switzerland. Nourished
by the impressive drama “William Tell” by Friedrich Schiller, it is for the Swiss people the
historic place where in 1291 the oath of the Swiss Confederation has been sworn. 1st of
August is the official National Day since 1994.
Rütli Lageplan – site plan Rütli