Page 16 - Willy Blaser - ein Traum geht nun doch in Erfüllung
P. 16
You have mentioned the procedure yourself, please follow it Non-Thai foreigners can get a
Pakistani visa only if they are permanent residents in Thailand or have a work permit
p r sharma
Mr. Swiss traveler if you are not well equipped with the visa rules fault lies with you. If you are
really interested in trekking the Pak mountains apply visa from your home country. rules
should not be mended in general. No offence.
@Atif Yousufzai
You are spot on. How can the author expect to get a visa for Pakistan through the Thailand
Embassy when he doesnt work or live in Thailand? Will a Pakistani national be ever given a
Swiss visa from a place where he doesnt live or work? And i agree that there was no need for
the author to be so cheap, mentioning the drivers, guides, porters etc.
As a seasoned traveller he should have known. The rule that comes in his way to get the
Pakistani visa from Pak embassy in Thailand is quite universal and not specific to Pakistan. And
the emotional blackmail is in poor taste.
you can always obtain pakistan visa from pakistan embassy in phnom penh, cambodia.they
won’t reject you visa at all.. Do hop onto bus to phnom penh cambodia from bangkok,
cambodia visa is available on arrival at border at 25 dollars still. then you wait 3-4 days,
parkistan visa ‘ll be ready.
You gotta apply from your own country, dude. This is not unstandard practice for embassies. I
tried applying for a Chinese visa in Hong Kong and got one that was three times the cost and
one half the time-span for the expiration date. Plan ahead of time, do your homework/read up,
and apply in your own country.
Liebe Pakistani Freunde
Ich bin in den letzten dreissig Jahren sehr viel in der Welt herumgereist und habe vemutlich
mehr Reiseerfahrung als ihr alle zusammen. Dass ich von einem fremden Land nicht in ein
anderes reisen konnte, sowas ist mir bisher noch nie passiert. Gerade kürzlich bin ich nach
Hanoi (Vietnam) gereist um auf der Thai Botschaft ein Visum für Thailand zu beantragen.