Page 19 - Willy Blaser - Tagesausflüge Teil 5
P. 19

teten die Soldaten. - Giovan Pietro Panigarola was the Envoy of Milan for Charles the Bold. In
       his memories he writes: “Me and the other advisors were of the opinion, that we should be pre-
       pared for an attack, but it was hopeless to convince His Lordship that the Confederates were so
       near and could surprise us. Around noon of June 22  messages arrived that the Confederates
       approached. His Lordship was still firmly convinced, that they would not attack. Then, everything

       happened very quickly. I was with him together in his tent when the attack was announced. Fi-
       nally he gave orders to his troops to counter the attack. He took such a long time to mount his
       horse, when he reached the battlefield, his forces were already scattering in retreat.

       Der Herzog muss, ohne gekämpft und ohne überhaupt den Gegner gesehen zu haben, erneut
       fliehen. Es kommt zu einem Massaker. Die Eidgenossen verfolgen die in Panik flüchtenden Bur-
       gunder. Rund 10'000 werden kaltblütig abgeschlachtet. Das Lager der Burgunder wird komplett
       geplündert. Während drei Tagen feiern die Eidgenossen ihren Sieg und teilen sich die Beute und
       die Soldatenmädchen. – The Duke, without having a fight or having seen his opponent, has to
       flee again. It comes to a massacre. The Confederates follows their in panic fleeing adversaries

       and slaughtered about 10’000 of them. The camp of the Burgundese is totally plundered. For
       three day the Confederates celebrate their victory, share the booty and the 3000 soldier girls.

              Dem burgundischen Heer bleibt nur die Flucht zum See. Darstellung im «Zürcher Schilling» 1480
                               The only way to escape for the Burgundian army was the lake

       Für die sterblichen Überreste der Soldaten wurde 1485 ein Beinhaus errichtet. Das Gebäude
       wurde 1821 durch einen 18 Meter hohen Obelisk ersetzt. – After the battle of Murten the skulls

       were held in an ossuary. In 1821 it was replaced by a 18 meter high obelisk.

                  Bild links: das Beinhaus gemalt von Bartholome Fehr (1747-1811) – Bild rechts: Obelisk
                                           Left: the ossuary – Right: the obelisk
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