Page 6 - Willy Blaser - Tagesausflüge Teil 5
P. 6
kämpfer oder ein Terrorist war? Es ist allerdings nicht ratsam darüber mit einem Patrioten zu
diskutieren, es könnte Ärger geben!
(Abbildung mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Staatsarchiv Obwalden)
Das “Weisse Buch von Sarnen“ wurde vom Obwaldner Landschreiber Hans Schriber
zwischen den Jahren 1470 und 1472 geschrieben. – The “White book of Sarnen“ written
by Hans Schriber in the years 1470-1472.
The history about the foundation of the Swiss Confederation is full of such legends. Is the Federal
Charter genuine? The question if the Rütli Oath and the battle of Morgarten in 1315 really took
place, is controversial by many historians. On occasion of the 700 anniversary of the Swiss Con-
federation, the Federal Chart, believed to be the founding document of Switzerland, has been
analysed by radiocarbon dating. The analysis concluded that the date of 1291 is much more like-
ly than others. They did unfortunately only analysed the parchment paper but not the ink, the
sealing strip or the seals. Only an infrared test could definitely clarify the age. Regarding the bat-
tle of Morgarten in 1315, I personally have serious doubts, coz we did never found a single piece
from the Habsburg knight equipment, furthermore there is no mention of such a battle in Habs-
burg archives. Regarding Tell, there are reasonable doubt whether he has lived at all. However,
there is a chronic in the “White book of Sarnen” about the Tell legend. The story probably hap-
pened, but not the way we are told in the history books. Seen from today’s perspective we should
also ask ourselves, if Tell was an independence fighter or a terrorist? However, I would recom-
mend you not to talk about this matter with a patriot, you might get in trouble!
Der Bundesbrief von 1291 ist in Schwyz ausgestellt – The Federal Charter of 1291 can be seen in
(Foto mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Staatsarchiv Schwyz)